Sunday 13 January 2013


Never give up on your goals no matter the failure and obstacles, whenever you are faced with a setback and negative situation, look within the situation and find the valuable lesson you will learn and move on. Micheal Jordan was once told he could not play and cut off from his high school basketball team, Albert Einstein was once told he was very dull and cannot learn anything, Thomas Edison failed 100 times before he could produce the light bulb, Abraham Lincoln lost so many elections and experienced so many setbacks before he was elected president of the united states in 1860 and became one of the best presidents in the history of the United States. All these great people never gave up on their dreams and goals and later became one of the top people in their field, if they can do it, you can do it. Believe in yourself and your abilities and you will get there. Its like trying to break a rock to find a diamond, you hit the rock 99 times and still no crack then suddenly at the 100th hit the rock breaks and behold you find your diamond. Do you think it's the 100 hit that broke the rock and gave you the diamond? The answer is no, it is the accumulation of all d hits that gave you the diamond, if to say you quit at d 50th or 90th or 99th hit you could not have got the diamond, that is why it is important you keep on keeping on until you eventually succeed. When Thomas Edison was asked about how he failed 100 times before he could make the light bulb his answer was I did not fail a 100 times, I just found 100 ways in which the light bulb could not work.Just sit down and see the mistakes you have been making and why you are not succeeding and make some adjustments and you will eventually get there and achieve all you want in life. I leave you with this " You can do anything you think you can. This knowledge is literally the gift of God, for through it you can solve any human problem. It should make of you an incurable optimist, it is the open door to unlimited possibilities" (Robert Collier). NEVER GIVE UP AND WHEN YOU GET KNOCKED DOWN STAND UP ON YOUR FEET AND GET BACK UP.

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